Health Services
Mary Blackwood, RN is our District Health Coordinator as well as the nurse at the early childhood center and the elementary school. Brenda Collins, LPN is the nurse at the middle school and high school. In addition to a registered nurse and a licensed practical nurse on our full-time staff, the Hollister R-V School District partners with Jordan Valley Community Health Center to provide additional health services for our students.
The Jordan Valley School Based Health Clinic (SHBC) is located within the Hollister Elementary School. Jordan Valley works with our school nurses and teachers to help keep our students healthy and in school. Jordan Valley offers an on-site community health worker several days a week, telehealth options, as well as behavioral health services. The services at this clinic are available to all Hollister R-V students.
Jordan Valley Community Health Center's Trudi's Kids Mobile Program also offers dental and vision services to Hollister students. Students must have a consent form on file to receive services. For additional information or if you have questions, contact Nurse Mary Blackwood or Jordan Valley Community Health Worker at 417-243-4025.
When to keep my child home from school
A few guidelines for keeping your child home from school:
When your child has a contagious condition, a rash with an unknown cause, pink eye, open sores, or sore throat, please notify your school nurse. Hollister school district follows the guidelines from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and often, the nurses are able to determine if a student needs to be seen by a health practitioner.
The CDC continually provides updates about COVID-19 as more information becomes available. For the most up to date information on COVID-19, visit
Medical Statement for Food Restrictions
MO School Immunization Requirements
MO Childcare and Preschool Immunization Requirements
Sports Physical Form (MSHSAA Pre-Participation Documentation)
Student Insurance – K&K Insurance coverage may be purchased at any time during the school.
We will notify you of the next opportunity for the Big Smiles Program.